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Ultra Filtration Systems

In water purification systems, filtration is an important step in purifying water. Filtration is the process of retaining and removing solid particles and microorganisms in water. This process is done by taking into account the physical and chemical properties of water.

The filtration process is done by passing water through various layers. These layers generally consist of materials such as sand, gravel and activated carbon. The filtration process occurs through the movement of water and its passage through the gaps within the layers. This process results in the retention and cleaning of the contaminants in the water by the layers.

It is a very effective process in removing solid particles and microorganisms in water, resulting in the retention and cleaning of contaminants. This process may vary depending on the type and density of contaminants in the water. Since it is an important step in purifying water, factors such as choosing filter materials and cleaning them regularly are also important.

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